Steps for Everyday Manifestation and Grounding

The art of manifestation and grounding is a personal journey, primarily centered around visualization. There’s no right or wrong way to imagine or visualize, so feel free to create a unique picture that resonates with your energy system. There are no time constraints on this activity; you determine what feels right for you.


Each of us has a distinctive energy wavelength and energetic boundary. While our chakras are the energy centers within our bodies, they continuously communicate with our aura. This aura, in turn, interacts with the energetic mainframe, which serves as a conduit for universal energy to reach us.

When we seek to make changes in our chakra or energy system or influence our external environment, we work with this energetic mainframe.

Steps to Follow:

Begin with a personal prayer; there’s no set format for this. You can use your own language. The goal is to acknowledge our connection with the divine or a higher power and to feel the presence of our visible and invisible guides. Express gratitude to our ancestors, both past and emerging from the land we live on and beyond.


  • Center Yourself: Focus on your heart chakra, located at the center of your chest. Visualize this chakra and attune yourself to its frequency. Feel the energy radiating from within the chakra into your aura.
  • Grounding: Breathe deeply into your chest and establish a deep connection with the Earth. You can envision roots extending from your feet, reaching deep into the Earth. This grounding keeps you connected to the Earth throughout the process.
  • Connect with Your Aura: Once you’ve established this connection, shift your awareness to your aura. Observe how your heart center interacts with your aura and the energetic mainframe. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t see or sense anything at first; this connection will develop with practice.
  • Set Your Intentions: Send your desires and new possibilities into this connection. You can visualize your ideal scenario, use words you want to attract, or imagine people changing and collaborating more effectively.
  • Visualize Blessing: Remain in this state and envision a golden light covering and blessing your desires. Feel the positive energy infusing your intentions.
  • Stay Present: Stay in this moment, soaking in the energy and connection, and return to full consciousness when you are ready.

Conclude your practice by expressing heartfelt gratitude to your chosen deity, guides, ancestors, and all energies present during your meditation. Hare Krishna

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